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Custom piano parts

You want to replace a part on an instrument, but you can't find it in the shops, with suppliers, or with the manufacturer... 

No worries, we can make almost anything! Give us the original part (even if it's broken), and we can recreate it according to the model. You can also send us a drawing (paper, pdf or even better, in CAD format), or just a picture! 


We use the most modern manufacturing processes available on the market: 3D printing in all possible materials (plastic, nylon, metal, etc.), digital milling (wood or any other material), etc... 

This service has no equivalent on the market. 



Action brackets for grand piano

We can manufacture customized piano action brackets using milling or additive manufacturing.

Contact us for more informations.


Action frame

We manufacture action frames to suit your piano and the parts you wish to use. 

Tell us which flanges you want - we have drawings of all flanges from all manufacturers. So our frames will be perfectly matched to the parts you order. 



We are making our own Backchecks, available on demand. They are made by SLS 3D Printing, with a very strong Nylon. Almost impossible to break. 
We use a very strong wire from Watanabe.

Please, contact us for more informations. 

Hammer shanks and flanges

Using ball bearings and 3D printing, we are offering the best stability in the market. 

Please contact us for more informations. 

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